Thursday, November 4, 2010

Interviews with Rose Henry

Victoria Votes sent our questions to Rose Henry, a long-time local poverty activist who also ran in the 2008 election. Here are her answers, as well as the usual Monday and B Channel interviews.

V V: What can we accomplish over the next year?

I understand that it is a long tedious process to get bills and by-laws passed and City council already has a full agenda, but what I would like to accomplish is addressing the housing situation and the Johnson St bridge project.
V V: What is one thing that everyone should know about you?
That I am a very committed person who sees the good in everyone and that I do understand a lot of key community issues like taxes, cost of living, recycling, housing, health and what is like to be be thinking and looking at our world and our community from the outside in (cultural from a First Nations perspective in a European setting) and how non-status can adapt to First Nations World of understanding our relationship to the land and all of our communities.

V V: Talk about an issue.
It has bothered me with seeing the amount of dwindling voter turnout at all elections. I have pushed for some more diversity of city council representation of youth, poor, and First Nations inclusiveness. I like the idea that our society is free to vote or not to vote; but now I am thinking that the the Australian community Electoral process is something that we should consider adopting. Mandatory voting to improve the quality of all of our community and to achieve real diversity and equal representation.

Read the full text of Rose Henry's interview with Monday Magazine here

Thanks yet again to B Channel News for allowing us to use their awesome video interviews.


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