Monday, October 25, 2010

What's on this site?

First of all, we just created an events page. Leading up to the election, there are going to be seemingly countless public discussions, all candidates meetings, and forums - we're going to try to keep track of these and post them on the events page as they pop up, so keep checking in.

All candidates meetings are an awesome way to meet the people who want to help run this city, size them up, ask some questions, and get some of your own thoughts out there into the universe. The formats range from formal panel discussions where you'll be part of an audience, listen to a question-and-answer session, and mill around chatting afterward, to the much more interesting "toss everyone into a big room and see what happens" format, where you get to wander around and chat with candidates in a more informal context.

Because this election also comes with a referendum, there will be a few meetings centred around the borrowing bylaw and the Johnson Street Bridge. These are sure to be interesting, and will give you a chance to learn about this issue if you're not really up to date on what's going on.

There's also now a handy links page, which has candidate websites, sites related to the referendum, and anything else relevant that we come across.

The How to Vote section sort of speaks for itself.



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