Tuesday, October 18, 2011

An Abridged Press Release From Paul Brown

Paul Brown slams mayor and council for “fiddling while Victoria burns”
New report recommends closure or $58-million replacement of Crystal Pool, plus $6.5-million upgrade or $16.5-million replacement of Fire Hall #1
Victoria, BC: Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Paul Brown, Victoria mayoral candidate, says a new report – calling for decommissioning Crystal Pool or building a $58-million replacement, plus at least $6.5 million in seismic upgrades to Fire Hall #1 – shows just how badly the current mayor and council have mismanaged the City's finances.
“Mayor Fortin and the current council have been fiddling while Victoria burns,” says Brown. “Aside from the Johnson Street Bridge, they haven’t dealt with our city’s crumbling infrastructure. Instead, they’ve been worrying about garden suites and downtown urinals.”
The new report identifies Fire Hall #1 and Crystal Pool as both being in “poor condition” and requiring “immediate attention.” Fire Hall #1, built in 1958, does not meet current “post-disaster” seismic standards. Options range from seismic upgrades costing $6.5 million to replacement of the building for $16.5 million.
Crystal Pool, built in 1971, operates at a loss of $1.2 million per year, and is identified by consultants as being “at the end of its effective life.” According to the report, options range from decomissioning the facility to replacing it for $58 million.
The report is posted on Open Victoria’s website, at http://openvictoria.ca/?p=348

Open Victoria’s candidates for council are commercial realtor Aaron Hall, environmentalist and businesswoman Linda McGrew, and respected pharmacist Sukhi Lalli.


Peter Pollen's endorsement inclines me to vote for Mr. Brown, But how do I find those aspirants who will work to defeat the boondoggles of Waste-Water Treatment plants, Douglas St. Rapid Transit, and this socialist destructive drive to build "homes for the homless"?
The hardworking, taxpaying poor do not get homes built for them.
Marc Heibey, Victoria

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